Best Bridal Retailer West Midlands

Bridal News, Events

Oh wow!  Just not back down to earth yet but got to tell you our news!

We have just won The Wedding Industry Awards Best Bridal Retailer West Midlands for THE SECOND YEAR RUNNING!!

This Award is like no other. It’s tough, really tough…It’s voted for by our brides, only those married within the last year, who have genuinely been a TDR Bride.

Best Bridal Retailer West Midlands

So no, “click and vote” here folks, this is the real deal.  Every bride has to register with TWIA, give us marks out of 10 on many different aspects of our service and then make comments at the end. We don’t get to see these comments or votes until the very end, after the winners in each category have been announced, all we know is how many votes we’ve had and who they’re off.

Because we have won the West Midlands heat, we are off to London in January 2018 for the National Finals! Last year we got Highly Commended in the National Finals so we’re keeping everything crossed for 2018!

Best Bridal Retailer West Midlands

We never forget though that none of this would be possible without our amazing brides who trust us with the most importance dress they will ever wear, and for that we are truly grateful.

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